Aspire is committed to developing quality resources that

Aspire is committed to developing quality resources that

Aspire is committed to developing quality resources that meet the needs of our customers. However, occasionally Aspire finds, or is notified of, errors. Please refer to our website at to see if there are any updates that may be relevant to you.Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this resource is accurate; however, the author and publisher accept no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury arising from such information.Except where an information source is acknowledged, the names and details of individuals and organisations used in examples are fictitious and have been devised for learning purposes only. Any similarity to actual people or organisations is unintentional.All websites referred to in this resource were accessed and deemed appropriate at time of publication.Aspire Training & Consulting apologises unreservedly for any copyright infringement that may have occurred and invites copyright owners to contact Aspire so any violation may be rectified.CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach, Release 1 – Assessments© 2015 Aspire Training & ConsultingLevel 1, 464 St Kilda RoadMELBOURNE VIC 3004 AUSTRALIAPhone: (03) 9820 1300First published December 2015ISBN 978 1 76031 495 8

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