Assignment Details Nate and Phillipa Royd have engaged your
Assignment Details Nate and Phillipa Royd have engaged your
Assignment Details
Nate and Phillipa Royd have engaged your services to conduct a psychological assessment and prepare an adoption-suitability psychological report. The couple are applying to adopt an infant through the Lal International Adoption Agency (LIAA), with LIAA wanting to ensure that children are placed with suitable families.
For this task, you will prepare a psychological report based on supplied materials. The psychological report requires you to:
Consider your psychological interview notes regarding this couple’s background, presentation, and motivation for adoption.
For each client, score and interpret a Mini International Personality Item Pool (Mini-IPIP), 20-item version (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006).
For each client, score and interpret a Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS; Hendrick, 1988).
No other tests or assessments are required for this report. The final submission will include Part A (1,000 word psychological report using provided template) and Part B (500 word Appendix summarising the various assessments utilised).
Assignment Resources
Interview notes
Two completed Mini-IPIP scales and two completed RAS scales
Scoring instructions for the Mini-IPIP and the RAS