This is a group presentation assignment for on-campus

This is a group presentation assignment for on-campus

Task Description This is a group presentation assignment for on-campus students (Distance education students may work on the presentation assignment individually). All members of the group are responsible for ensuring that the presentation files have been submitted on Moodle by the due date. Student marks for the presentation will be returned via this system. On-campus student presentations will not be graded until after their class presentation. On-campus students: • The class presentations will commence in week 6. • No marks will be awarded if the presentation is not given in the scheduled workshop. • You will be organised into groups of three (3) members maximum. Groups will be organised in the weekly tutorial/workshops in week 1 and 2. You must provide your tutor with the details of the members of your group and your top two preferred topics by the end of week 2. This allows time for you to negotiate an alternative topic if necessary. The earlier you give the tutor details about your group and your preferred topic, the more likely you are to get your preferred topic. Groups and your submission of two preferred topics by the end of week 2 at the latest. • You must not change your tutorial/workshop class after week 2. • Your tutor will notify you about your approved topic and when your group is scheduled to present in class. The topics and presentation schedule must be decided by the end of Week 3. However, all the research and preparation for the presentations must be completed and submitted on Moodle on or before the start of week 6 (when class presentations commence). Marks will be deducted for late submission of the presentation materials. Note that your presentation marks cannot be awarded until after your class presentation is assessed and moderated. • Remember you are not allowed to change your group or topic without approval from your tutor. • You should maintain a record of weekly meetings, decisions, action list with updates etc. as your contribution for presentation task. • You must submit the meeting records (contribution of work) along with your presentation files. Failing to submit the contribution of work may result in 0 marks. • You should contact tutor as early as possible if anyone is not attending meetings or meeting their obligations and contributing to the group. • Group weekly meetings should commence as soon as the group is formed (i.e. in week 1 or 2 to select and submit your preferred topics by the end of week 2). • You should contact your tutor about issues such as the membership of your group, selection of presentation topic, and schedule for their presentation. • Each group/individual is to give a presentation about an aspect of project management. The intention is that no topic should be covered more than once during the term. Therefore, the tutor will approve topics on a first come basis.

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