Today we will be writing some code with ArrayLists. Create a

Today we will be writing some code with ArrayLists. Create a

Today we will be writing some code with ArrayLists.
Create a new project (NetBeans users, remember to make certain the “Create Main Class” check box is NOT checked.
Once your project has been created, create a new Driver/Main class for your project.
Once your new Driver/Main Class correctly added to your project, add code to your Driver’s main() method to complete each of the below tasks.
Tasks to complete:
Create a 2D array with a size of 11 x 11. Use a pair of nested loops to fill the array with the values of inner index * outer index (in other words, you’re making a multiplication table from 0 through 10) Use a 2nd pair of nested loops to print the contents of the array to the screen (make sure to put all of the items in a row on the same line and to add a new line after every row) Create an ArrayList able to hold whole numbers. Use a loop to fill the ArrayList with the numbers from 45 through 65 Use a 2nd loop to print the contents of this ArrayList to the screen Create an ArrayList to hold decimal numbers. Use a loop to fill the ArrayList with 13 random numbers between 0.0 and 55.5 Use a 2nd loop to print the contents of the ArrayList to screen Create an ArrayList able to hold boolean values. Use a loop to fill that ArrayList with 15 randomly generated boolean values Create a second ArrayList of the same type Use a loop to fill the second ArrayList with the OPPOSITE values from the values in the first ArrayList. (Example: if the value at index 4 in the first ArrayList is true, then the value at index 4 in the second ArrayList should be false) Create two ArrayList to hold whole numbers. Use a loop to fill one ArrayList with the first 15 even numbers (start at 2) Use a loop to fill the other ArrayList wit the first 15 odd numbers (start at 1) Use a separate loop to printout the contents of the 2 ArrayLists in reverse order, alternating between the two ArrayLists…In otherwords, you should be outputting either: 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, … , 2, 1
OR 29, 30, 27, 28, 25, 26, 23, … , 1, 2
Remember to save before your export your project into a zip file!

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