Demonstrates an understanding of the essay question.

Demonstrates an understanding of the essay question.

• Argument – 30 percent of Total Mark for AssignmentDemonstrates an understanding of the essay question. Introduces argument/s well and developsit/them in detail. Theoretical and historical content is appropriate to the argument.• Research and Evidence -25 percent of Total Mark for AssignmentBibliographic sources are appropriate and critically used. Selection of examples is appropriateto, and supports, the argument/s. Images are used effectively to supplement and illustrate theargument/s.• Essay Structure – 25 percent of Total Mark of AssignmentEssay structure is coherent and is well sign-posted for the reader.• References (Citations) and Format – 10 percent of Total Mark for AssignmentAccuracy of references and adherence to the Chicago 17A or 16A Footnote Style. A bibliographyis included and images are used and fully cited. Complies to submission requirementsregarding: font size, line spacing, page numbers, inclusion of header, essay number and topicwording.

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