Develop MyBroker v2.0 using an untyped DataSet

Develop MyBroker v2.0 using an untyped DataSet

Compress your complete VB project folder into a .zip file. Upload the .zip file to our homework submission site.You will develop MyBroker v2.0 using an untyped DataSet application using a BindingNavigator control and a BindingSource object (100 Points + 20 Bonus Points)Database File: You can use your own database designed for Homework 3. Make sure that there is no special characters in your table/attribute names. Do not use any Microsoft Access reserved words ( User interface design: Design a Windows Form, as the one shown below, to browse and modify stock trading requests. You need to use a BindingNavigator control to browse and modify trading request records cached in an untyped DataSet. You also need to add a “Save” Button on the BindingNavigator control, which is used to commit permanent changes in the database. You can find the disk icon file (disk.ico) in the SilkIcons library. (20 points)(2) Programming: Use a DataReader object to populate all existing stock tickers from the Stocks database table into StockTickersComboBox. The StatusComboBox should be populated at the design time with three items: PENDING, COMPLETED, CANCELLED. (20 points)(3) Programming: Create a DataSet that is used to cache existing trading request records retrieved from the database. (20 points)(4) Programming: Use a BindingNavigator control to browse, add, modify, or delete trading request records cached in the DataSet. You must use a BindingSource control/object to link the Windows controls to your DataTable object. (20 points)(5) Programming: By clicking the “Save” ToolStripButton on the BindingNavigator control, the changes made to the DataSet will be saved to the database. Your program should check if the changes have been successfully saved to the database and prompt the user with a message. (20 points)(6) Bonus question: (20 points)A DataTable object can be queried just like a relational database table. For example, the Compute() method can be used to calculate an aggregate function against the records in a DataTable. Check out this tutorial: . The following statement is an example that counts the number of “Yes” votes in the voting records cached in a congressDataSet object (BillNumber is an attribute in the VotingRecords table):Dim numOfYesVotes As Integer = congressDataSet.Tables(“VotingRecords”).Compute(“count(BillNumber)”, “BillNumber=’H.R.1.1’ AND Vote=’Yes’”)Add a Label control and a TextBox control at the bottom of the Form. The Label control should display “Total number of pending requests:”. The TextBox control is used to display the total number of pending trading requests for the selected stock ticker.

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