English paper
One and a half to two pages, single-spaced
What you would most like to see changed at your university and why.
I jotted down five ideas below. You can add more if you’d like. They don’t have to be in that order either.
a. Class sizes for some specific lectures. Some of my business class have more than 300 students and they’re typically taught at a big auditorium.
b. All subjects should be allowed to be taught online, unlike some business classes that are only available on campus. This could be an issue for students who’s working full time and attending college.
c.Not allow any class to have a textbook that costs more than $30. Instructors can assign open-source books or slightly older editions.
d. Free parking! (We are students, we don’t have money) My university acts like the students don’t have the right to park anywhere but the freaking middle of nowhere, plus they keep taking away parking spots while they keep adding students every year. I pay to park at a parking structure that’s fifteen minutes away from my classes!
e. Less construction. I wish they would finish one construction project before they started on another one! I know they are doing it to have a better campus and such, but would it kill them to finish something before starting on something completely different!