In planning and instructing math content, it is important to

In planning and instructing math content, it is important to

In planning and instructing math content, it is important to be able to create a cohesive unit that encompasses multiple areas in math, as well as other content areas, including literacy.
Part 1: Unit Plan
For this benchmark, you will choose one of the three lesson plans you created in this course to build a week-long unit plan. Use the “Math Unit Plan” to prepare your week-long math unit plan. Utilize any feedback from your instructor modify and adjust instruction to meet the diverse needs of students.
For the unit plan, include the following components: lesson title, math standards, learning objectives, instructional strategies, summary of instruction, differentiation, materials, resources, and technology, and formative and summative assessments.
As you are creating your unit plan, focus on integrating the following elements: Major math concepts including number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, problem solving, reason, communication, connections, and representation. A variety of teaching strategies, media, resources, and technology that encourage development in critical thinking and problem solving across content areas, with a focus on literacy. Effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to create opportunities for active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction. Differentiate instruction based on the diverse needs of students in the “Class Profile.”
In 250-500 words, provide a rationale that explains your reasoning behind your chosen instructional strategies. How do the formative assessments provide opportunities to modify instruction that promotes continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development? Explain the value of utilizing knowledge from professionals in other content areas to enhance instruction and learning experiences for students.

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