Keep it Under 30% its an absolute must MKTG320 due sunday

Keep it Under 30% its an absolute must MKTG320 due sunday

Branding and Positioning Strategy


1000-1200 words

Using the bank scenario as a guide, discuss the following:

  • Create your branding strategy (position statement) for your new target market based on your situation analysis. This will start to integrate your goals, your situation analysis results, and your target market.
  • Create high-level advertising and public relations strategies that support the position statement that is targeting your new market segment. This includes an overview of the main the way in which you will deliver your message to your audience (humor, logic, emotion).
  • Incorporate specifics regarding the digital or traditional marketing channels that will be used to deliver your message to your target market to increase both reach and frequency. This includes magazine titles, specific newspapers, or actual social media sites as examples.
  • Discuss why the selected advertising and public relations strategies are appropriate with respect to specific target segment penetration.

I have included the previous discussion and individual project to help you stay on track of my current Marketing plan to guide you on your way. Must include reference and be kept under 30% also including work up for week 4 to be based on week three’s assignment . Seperate file mmust be made for.


Primary Discussion Response is due by Wednesday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Sunday (11:59:59pm Central).

 include the following:

  • Create 1 public relations piece (an e-mail, a blog, or a newspaper piece) that you will use as part of your public relations program.

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