The traditional Keynesian approach to fiscal policy differs in three ways from that is presented in the Fiscal Policy Chapter in your textbook.
The traditional Keynesian approach to fiscal policy differs in three ways from that is presented in the Fiscal Policy Chapter in your textbook.
- It emphasizes the underpinnings of the components of aggregate demand.
- It assumes that governement expenditures are not substitutes for private expenditures and that current taxes are the taxes taken into account by consumers and firms.
- The traditional Keynesain approach focuses on the short run and so assumes that as a first approximation, the price level is constant (no inflation or deflation of prices).
Miller, R.L. (2012). Economics Today, 16ed. Addison-Wesley. p. 295.
In today’s economy what fiscal policies would you implement? Right now our economy is in a recession, as a Keynesain Economist, how would youl manipulate fiscal policy to improve the economy? Be specific, such as,Cash for Clunkers program.
For this assignment you need to evaluate one idea and how you would implement your stimulus strategy.
Food for thought.
Workers’ Programs
Think about the factors push out the PPC
High Speed Rail or Transportation
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